Desert Sky Refill
Did you have fun making the first one? Refill papers for the Desert Sky Quiltworx quilting pattern are available here.
This package includes eight (8) pages of extra foundation papers for a total of eighty (80) S-Units, and related cutting templates. This is enough papers to make (2) quilts or enlarge the existing design. Instructions to expand the quilt are included in the original pattern instructions.
To make a Twin Size Quilt, you will need 1 extra foundation package. The layout could either be 9 x 12 (68” x 87”) or 9 x 13 (68” x 93”). You will need 10 additional solid squares to complete the layout to those required in the original pattern.
To make a Queen Size Quilt, you will need 2 extra foundation packages. The layout could either be 12 x 12 (87” x 87”) or 13 x 13 (93” x 93”). You will need at least 15 and up to 20 additional solid squares to complete the layout to those required in the original pattern.
To make a King Size Quilt, you will need 2 or 3 extra foundation packages. 2 packages and 30 additional solid squares will get you to (107” x 107”), a 15 x 15 block layout. If you don’t want 30 solid squares, you will need to purchase a 3rd package.